Wednesday, June 16, 2004

The Vacation

I promised that I would post a write up about the vacation. And, in the spirit of kindness I've decided to break it up into several pages and place it elsewhere on the website. Therefore, if you don't want to see it, then you don't have to.

Of course, I shouldn't post it at all because so few of you posted your favorite cheeses. Wimps.

But, let it be noted, that I've temporarily suspended my moritorium on photos of the girls. So, unless your a pederast, Roman Polanski, Serge Gainsbourg or some freakish bastard, you'll get a glimpse of how they are growing.

Secondly, some fat guy that looks vaguely like me appears in several of the photos. My wife is in none of them because, well, I didn't want to piss her off. Though by not including her photo she'll say I'm ashamed of her.

Sigh. It's a lose/lose situation.

For the strong of heart, those with deep curiosity or the just plain stupid click here for the vacation summary (now in 2-D!).


  1. Yep. Fried dough. That's the secret of life. A short life, true, but a happy one.

    Oh, you meant the whole nature/beauty/seclusion/relaxation thing. Yeah that's nice.

    But a hell of a lot better with fried dough.

  2. Great pics Gary. They have those same Ducks in Wisconsin Dells...ya gotta love the Ducks!!! I'm glad you had a good vacation, you certainly deserved it. Wayne Newton?
