Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Wall of Hair

Well, it looks like being accused of murder is finally making Phil Spector calm down and evaluate his mental status. Don't believe me? Check it out:

He looks like the cover girl for Grandmas Gone Wild.

I knew he was always messed up, but seriously. He looked in the mirror and said to himself, "Damn, I look good enough to go to a murder trial. What jury would convict me? I'm the All-American-Fuzz-Ball. I'd do me."

Seriously, though, this guy scared the shit out of the Ramones. The Ramones. I'm not saying that he's capable of murder but . . . He scared the fucking Ramones.

I'm just sayin'. Still, the Wall of Sound kicked ass between 1963 and 1967ish. After that . . . well, listen to Springsteen instead.


  1. Anonymous10:20 PM

    Phil? Scott Miller called; even he doesn't want that hairstyle back.

  2. Anonymous8:49 PM

    jeeze louise! man that scares so bad it hurts

  3. Wow!!

    Phil...Brillo called, they need you at the plant!
