Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Actual Morning Conversation

Me: Gert, go brush your teeth.

Gert: But I already pulled up my pants!

Me: Um. If you need to have your pants down while you brush your teeth I think you might be doing it wrong.


  1. Anonymous10:40 AM

    You should put all of your stories in a book - I would totally buy it!

    And I often have my pants down while brushing my teeth!

  2. Erm... who taught her how to brush her teeth? And don't blame it on the Weasel! ;-)

  3. Anonymous2:19 PM

    You can never take oral health too seriously Jim.

    I honestly have no idea what she thinks I said. Who knows.

    And yes, it's all my wife's fault. Those are her genes acting up there.
