Thursday, June 14, 2007

Strictly Commercial

I'll post stories from the trip soon. Haven't had time to parse it out yet. I'm currently tagging the 600+ photos we took. They're in the Flickr stream, if you're terribly interested in photo P1053753.

Anyway, today I do videos.

1. Footage from the film Wired to Win, an iMax film opening here tomorrow. Yes, it's about the Tour de France. No, it's not about injections. Carlton Reid, endless font of cycling info (his site is fantastic, check it out), posted some rushes from the film which are incredible.

2. The actual trailer:

And, yes, the narrator sounds exactly like my imitation of Dr. Louis Leakey.

3. All the best songs are in commercials these days:

Message of the Blues - LA (redone as "Say Hey")

The 88 - Coming home

Sleepy Rebels - Kaleidoscope

I think the last one's my favorite.

Anyway, back to work. I have to pay the company taxes and all our contractors today. More fun that a barrel of monkeys!

Seriously, I want a barrel of monkeys.


  1. I'd recognize the Coronado Springs Resort anywhere! That's where I stayed during my work conference last January. Did you notice that at the Pepper Market you can get cheese sauce on, like, anything?

  2. Anonymous9:04 AM

    You say that like it's a bad thing . . . Mmmmm. Cheese Sauce.
