Friday, April 09, 2004

One Reason Why "Gloria" by Them is a Good Song

The letter "I". Sure, "G", "L", "O", "R" and "A" are all perfectly good letters. But the first time Van Morrison spells out Gloria, he really emphasizes the letter "I". For a five foot four girl, she has one hell of an "I".

It goes something like this:

Her name is

G (said with a rasp)

L (with a little bite)

O (the letter you'd think would get the most attention because, in and of itself, it is infinity. It never stops, both visually and aurally.)

R (a little pirate, but nothing too special)

I (said, "eye yaiyaiyaiyaiyaiyaiyaiyaiyaiyaiyaiyaiyaiyai)

A (doesn't even warrant a mention until the second, more repetitive, spelling)

Without that "I" "Gloria" is just another gritty garage rock song. With that "I" it's a biting song about teenage longing, societal norming, repressive governmental systems, six cylinder engines and the rising price of candy at the movie theater.

Behold and enjoy the "I".

This post brought to you by the letter "I".

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