Thursday, July 08, 2004

I'm Kurious

You know, you'd think that I was linking to music because I care. Because I view myself as a musical missionary whose purpose is to spread the word of the tone.

In truth, while I do want everyone to be exposed to great music that you should be listening to, I actually have nothing to say whatsoever. My life consists of waking, working, dog training and being beaten up by the kids. Last night Matilda and I watched some classic Twilight Zone that I had Tivoed and Gertrude had a fight with the dog about being annoying. I'm not sure who won. Then, after the kids went to bed, my wife and I watched part of the first disc from the Gilmore Girls first season. True, it's not a manly thing to admit. But, Lauren Graham is adorable and does this completely endearing thing with her mouth when she talks.

So I'm sending you to find great music in lieu of having anything important to say.

Of course, I'm off topic.

Komeda is one of my favorite discoveries over the last few years. Think Stereolab stripped of the politics and experimentalism. Komeda's sense of fun and whimsy is only surpassed by their unrelenting energy. This is party music of the highest degree. And they're Swedish. Like the fish. And ABBA. What more could you ask? So fire up some Gauloises, invite some friends over and discuss Godard. All of which is French. I couldn't think of anything Swedish that was funny. Besides the fish.

Komeda - Feeling Fine (right click and save as) (Via Insound)


  1. Did you catch the Young Marble Giants reference at the beginning of "Double Date?" AND a validation of Yoko Ono in the same sentence? Very cool.

  2. We haven't gotten that far yet. But I've been loving the music (especially hearing "My Little Corner of the World"). I've been trying to keep up with the numerous references . . . they're really good.

    Each time they mention "Chilton" I keep thinking, "Alex?".

    I need to get the Freaks and Geeks box that you have. That was a great show.
