Friday, September 03, 2004

I'm A Genius Too Ya Know!

Apologies to Peter Bagge (see Rock and Roll Dad).

Last summer, after listening to Good Vibrations one time too many, I went to some session material, rough edits, etc. that were released on boxed sets and the Captial Twofers over the years. I discovered this one little piece that I thought was really cool. After the groovy bass line, it had a vocal break that was just cool beyond words. I didn't understand why it was left out of the final edit of the song. In fact, I thought it was so cool that I made my own version of Good Vibrations with that cool part edited into the final mix (see about 2:13):

GaryVibe (Low bitrate because I don't want lawyers coming after me for posting one of the most successful singles of all time.)

Well, as the Dude would say, New Information has come to light.

On September 27th of this year, when Brian releases Smile I want you to pay particular attention to the new recording of Good Vibrations. I want you to remember that I, Gary O'Brien with my wife as a witness, made my version well over a year ago. And I was proud of it. With my poor skills it took me a full weekend to get it right.

So you remember that. You remember what my version sounded like when Mr. Genius Wilson releases his version. Sure, he wrote it. Sure, he recorded it. Sure he came up with it all. But it was my edit that was Super Genius!

Stop laughing. I'm fragile.


  1. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Have you read Glimpses by Lew Shiner? If you haven't, you should.


  2. Heard of, but haven't read. Though the bit on Amazon says Brian is dead. I suppose someone should let him know . . .

  3. I've gotta say, you're making me think that the new Smile maybe won't be the travesty I figured it to be. Maybe I'll even need to buy it.

  4. Anonymous8:07 PM

    That book was my introduction to Smile--there's some good spots about the Jims and Janis, too...
