Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Guess I’m Dumbo

Tonight is another Daddy Night. Mommy, and maybe Matilda, are going knitting. Matilda wants to see what we’re doing.

I’m afraid I’ve set myself up for failure here. Once there was a time when Daddy Night meant we were going out to the park until it got dark and buying some orange soda. After six months of providing a Daddy Night to Gertrude, I’ve kept raising the bar. The last one we went to the Disney Store (where Gert bought fairy wings with the proceeds of all the money that has fallen out of my pocket onto the couch this past year) and had a pretzel. To me, that was no big deal. To her it was like Disneyland on Ecstasy.

Tonight I have no big ideas. I was thinking about the library, but when I saw those little eyes looking up at me in expectation I’m thinking I had better get a tap dancing monkey and Hilary Duff over here tout suite.

Gert’s even playing all of her cards. This morning, before she would do anything else, she demanded that I carry her while I made coffee, made my breakfast and the rest of my morning rounds. I asked her if she was a Daddy’s Girl. She said, “Yep!” Then, as she was getting in Mommy’s car, she started yelling, “Hug and kiss! Hug and kiss!” Now, she had already given me a hug and kiss when I left to take Matilda to school. Mommy pointed that out to her.

“But if I don’t give him a hug and kiss,” she reasoned, “he will cry and cry all day.”

She’s doing her best to sway me. But I am unswayable. I’m hurricane proof. I’m blast proof. I am ice. She can’t get me to do anything out of the ordinary.

Anyone know where I can charter a jet to fly them down to the Magic Kingdom for a quick spin on Dumbo? And a churro. They’ll need churros.


  1. Admit it, you caved. What happened with the haircut?

  2. The haircut turned out fine, actually. We were a little timid at first, but then really got into buzzing.

    I didn't have to cave. Gert wanted to watch a Wiggles movie and Matilda wanted to play a board game. We did both. Popcorn was had. Good times.
