Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Special Daddy Day!

So, bowing to much pressure not to send her to a sitter after pre-school, I kept Gert home with me today while I worked. It is known as a Special Daddy Day. It is special because she does not have to take a nap. Or something. I'm not quite sure because so far all she's done is criticize me, tell me to be quiet and complain about the amount of paper that is involved with my line of work.

When I picked her up from school, she refused to tell me about her day. "I don't remember," she said. "Please stop asking."

Um. Okay? Well, I said, I have to make a deposit at the bank, so let's go to the drive through. You get to watch the tube suck up the little cartridge thingy.

"Yeah, but can you be quiet? I'm trying to stretch my muscles after school and you keep talking."

After driving along in silence for a while, she made a point of telling me that my bank was inferior because it didn't give suckers. On this point I agreed. However, when she started discussing the bank's investment record I became worried.

Since it was a special daddy day I had planned on picking up lunch. What did she want?

"A Lunchable."

"Don't you want a pizza or something?"

"Yeah, but only you have to wait for a pizza and I'm hungry now."

We arrived home and we ate lunch in front of the TV like a bunch of slobs. It was great. After lunch we decided to watch a movie we had rented from Netflix, a place Gertrude assumes will magically send you any movie you can ever imagine.

Before the opening credits rolled she peeled off her overalls and was sitting in the couch in her underwear. When I scolded her for this her response was:

"I'm not going anywhere today." When I pointed out we had to go pick up her sister at 4 she responded, "Well, I'll just put them back on, won't I?"

Needless to say it's been a strange afternoon. And, despite my plan to get some work done, I've gotten very little done. I haven't even been able to answer emails.

Besides, she's not wearing pants. I'm a little frightened by her bohemian tendencies today.


  1. Once again I say, it is a preview for a leter stage know as teenager.

  2. It sounds like she's reached 'teenager' a little early.

  3. Anonymous8:50 AM

    At least she's funny. Too funny.

    I'm so screwed.
