Friday, April 21, 2006

Super Shimano Biking Action Monkey

Today is my birthday and I'm starting a new tradition. Instead of stuffing myself with food that is bad for me and doing nothing exciting for my birthday, I am biking my age. In scant moments I will be leaving to ride 33 miles. Which could be interesting, considering if I'm four miles from home and I hit 33 miles, my plan may be screwed. Perhaps I should have spent more time planning my route.

Then, after lunch, Matilda and I are going for a bike ride (only four miles) to break in her new bike on a ride. For dinner, considering by that point I will have burned 2000 calories or so I'm going out for some yummy barbeque.

More importantly, let me explain my awesome gift. This year I bought a bike, so I put a moratorium on birthday gifts. I figured I spent a lot of money on the bike and I don't need anything else. It's mostly true. Sure, I'm not going to get the super important movie about the professional cycling team CSC that I'm dying to see. However, let's face it; I'm going to buy that anyway.

But Mom and the Girls could not lay idle. No. Last night they ensconced themselves in the Yarn Studio and, well, the above photo set is what resulted.

Verdict: One of my top 2 birthday presents ever. Right up there with the year Matilda handmade me a "Super Giant Widescreen TV With Built In DVD Player and DVD Collection".

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