Wednesday, February 28, 2007

My New Favorite Cycling Team

Apparently I've been in an exceedingly bad mood the last week. Not sure why. I feel stressed and frustrated by everything. If this damned weather would clear up I'd have a better outlet for my pent up feelings. As it stands it's hard to get a refreshingly good ride in my bedroom. Plus, working from home doesn't provide a lot of outlets. I have a good, strong cup of coffee and pent up ire. I feel sorry for the Fed Ex guy.

I was planning on riding today but the winds are supposed to get gusty up to 30 mph. I might still go out, but it won't be a good ride by any definition. In fact, I can already feel the pain. And not the satisfying, good kind. Rather, it's the teeth gritting, praying that your muscles and ligaments are not actually separating from your bones type of pain. The fact that I consider it an option may clue you into the bizarre workings of my mind.

I'll do better. I promise. I'm listening to a mix of angry music that starts out with Pete Townshend yelling at an audience to shut up because this is a rock show, not a tea party. He peppers in a few expletives that spice it up. But, because this is a family website, I'm sure as shit not going to repeat that kind of language. No fucking way. I'm above it.

Now it's playing "Godzilla" by Blue Oyster Cult. I'm in a classic rock mood lately.

Anyway, I found my new favorite cycling team. I want to buy the jersey, but they are out of stock:

Worse, I was going to buy a t-shirt, but their purchasing function is broken:

Oh well. More fuel for the ire, I guess. By the way, you think that guy could have a few more veins in his arms? He looks like a heroin addict's wet dream. "Wow, if I had veins like that I could be like Keith Richards and William S. Burroughs combined! I'd be Superjunkie!"

Okay. That was wrong.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:29 PM

    I was looking at Guinness gear on their site just a few minutes ago.
