Friday, March 02, 2007

Irony Coincidence, Thou Art a Fickle Bitch Person With a Sardonic Sense of Humor

So, I've been kind of railing on the USADA about what I view as sloppy work, violations of its own rules, and needlessly prolonging the Floyd Landis case. And, of course, I think they are on shaky ground with Mr. Landis and are on a path to reform . . . which is a good thing.

So, after all my whining, all my criticisms guess who I am going to have to deal with as a bit player on one of my projects? Oh, yes, the USADA. I need to confirm information for a textbook on, guess what? Testing protocols, documentation, procedures, TUAs, the entire process and permission to reprint certain things will all be discussed.

Funny, ain't it? I've been working on textbooks like this for over a decade now and this is the first time my real life and one of my projects have ever cruelly crossed in such a way.

I wonder if I can quietly slip in a Landis question during our discussions . . . Damn my wish to keep my projects. Otherwise I would ask completely inappropriate questions.


  1. Gary,

    Funny the twists and turns life takes. The good news is that they probably won't connect you with the person they're working with. ;-)

    - Rant

  2. Anonymous7:01 PM

    I'll probably get to work with this semester's Sports Management intern, actually. It is an odd coincidence that this project came up now. After years of arguing with the NCAA about their rules, which is another fantastic rathole, I finally get bumped up to the mid-leagues.

    Still, I'd like to pretend I'm in a movie and this is one of those things that has me hiding in a records room photographing damning evidence in the middle of the night. Instead, it will be a fifteen minute phone call followed up by a letter.

    But a boy can dream, can't he?

  3. Anonymous11:28 PM

    Why must irony be a fickle bitch, why can't it be a fickle bastard? Just askin'.


  4. Anonymous8:26 AM

    I might have something to do with you posting those brownies on TBV, which I still have dreams about, and me being Type I diabetic for 25 years. Seriously, I dream out those brownies.

    The beauty of the Internet is we can edit ourselves into something that seems like sanity and reason as time goes on. You can respond to reader comments. Therefore, in response to criticisms, I've changed the title to reflect all the semantic questions that my bad joke has dredged up. Perhaps we can keep working on it.
