Busy. So many stories. No time to tell because I got two more projects over the summer. Plus, I've been busy doing this. Got the Limited. It's nice. And blue. We pick it up tomorrow. Now I want a popup camper like when I was a kid.
Also, with respect to the Tour and what not, I saw that just like last year and Floyd Landis' situation another French Lab has messed with the race:
Oooh, the Patriot. I want a Patriot. I have a sneaking suspicion that my "perfect" dog and family car--the Subaru Outback--will prove to be less perfect when Samson comes along in October. 2 dogs in the way back, baby in the back...where does the stroller go? And the groceries? And the beer? Let me know how the Patriot works out, and how Finnegan likes it.