Monday, February 24, 2003

Well it has been forever since I’ve actually updated this page, hasn’t it? I wish I could say that I’m writing something blazingly hilarious today to entertain and inform you but . . . it wouldn’t be true. At least we have the new groovy discussion links at the end of every post, right? Go ahead and use them. They’re fun. And healthy. Discussion my pathetic life is good for yours.

After so long working on all of these projects, I’m afraid I’m a little dried up as far as writing is concerned. I could sit here and write, “I hate deadlines. I hate pressure. I hate paper cuts. I hate working so many hours in one week. I hate kung-fu wombats with Chinese stars. I hate it all.”

But that would be boring, wouldn’t it.

In my down time, which has been spent getting caught up on television shows I was never able to watch, like Farscape and Six Feet Under, I have been doing some serious soul-searching.

Not my own soul. That would be boring. No, I’ve been looking at other people’s souls. And let me tell you people something. Clean them! There’s nothing worse than a soul with a gross mustard stain on it.

In truth, I have been doing some soul searching. For one thing, do I want to be a freelance editor forever? Not particularly. I would like to extend my life into the writing arena. But that takes work. And I’m tired. I know I should do it. But I have somewhere around 400 typed pages to go through and hammer into a book. That’s a lot of editing. I hate editing. It’s boring boring boring.

I think I also want to write a novel. The fact that I lack ideas for a novel isn’t holding me back. It never stopped Steven King or John Grisham, so why should I worry about it?

They say that you should write what you know. Okay. Well, let’s see what that comes out as:

A freelancing family man spends his days alone with no human contact. As time goes on he realizes that the people on the radio are his friends and he starts having conversations with them. One day, when he’s had way too much coffee, the radio talks back. Frightening consequences ensue.

No. That wouldn’t work, would it? Let’s try it as a Science Fiction book:

A freelancing space family man spends his days alone in space with no human contact. As time goes on he realizes that the buzzing sounds on the Quantum Waves are his friends and he starts having conversations with them in space. One day, when he’s had way too much space coffee in space, the radio talks back. Frightening consequences ensue. In space.

Nope. That’s not that good, is it. How about a supernatural story:

A freelancing family man, with a dark secret, spends his days alone with no human contact in dark secret. As time goes on he realizes that the voices in his head are his friends and he starts having conversations with them. One day, when he’s had way too much coffee after performing strange cult rituals involving Alka Seltzer and Sudafed, the radio talks back with dark secrets. Frightening consequences ensue. With werewolves and monsters and killer clowns. And the dead coming back to life. With knives.

No, that doesn’t work either. Wow. Am I boring or what?

Either way, I need to find that creative spark and start writing again. I think I want to play with some fiction and, to be honest (and geeky) I think I want to write Sci Fi. I enjoy world building and I think that it has a wonderful potential for humor and allegory.

So I’m going to sit here today and figure out what to write.

And frightening consequences ensue . . .


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