Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Wanted: One Musical Obsession

So, I've been really, really busy (and to people whom I owe CDs I offer a hearty sorry) and I've been lax on my musical discoveries. I have my outlets, but nothing seems to be giving me the feening need to consume an artist lately. I thrive on that. I'm winding down my Wilco obsession because I lack consumables, unless I move into Jeff Tweedy's house, which would be kind of creepy.

Right now Death Cab for Cutie and The Postal Service are getting a lot of play in my house. But I wouldn't call it an obsession. I actually think I want to sing like Ben Gibbard.

I know there are big albums coming out. Michael Penn, Aimee Mann, Stephen Malkmus, etc. But I'm not too jazzed about any of them. I would like the latest Andrew Bird, though. I didn't like him when I saw him last summer, but he's grown on me.

So, give me recommendations. Make them off the beaten path please. Go out on a limb.

Thank you and buy me this t-shirt.


  1. Anonymous7:23 PM


    what else do you need? Pale Fountains?

  2. Anonymous8:13 PM

    You already worked your mojo on that one. I'm hooked. But half their stuff you have to buy as imports man. That gets expensive and my kids want me to spend all my money on them.

    Besides, tortured geniuses always break your heart.

  3. two words:


    oh, wait. that's one word.

    i've got a song of theirs up on my blog today: http://www.planningshop.com/blogs/2005/04/holgariffic.html

    if you like pop--and it sounds like you do--you'll like dealership.

    also try aquedect.

  4. one more: fred eaglesmith.

  5. Anonymous2:48 PM

    The Dresden Dolls

    Suggested Songs

    Coin Operated Boy (Its hooky, and it'll get old after a bit, but its a nice start)

    Good Day



    iTunes has them as well (Finally)

    I've enjoyed quite a bit of what you've posted, and found you because we both happened to think Steve's Songs for Dustmites didn't suck. So I don't know how great you'll think they are, but they're my current obsession, so I hope you'll like them in all of their limby goodness.

  6. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Hey, I personally think Songs for Dustmites is underrated. Besides, how many albums have songs about physics? There were some great pre-release songs from his website that didn't make the album, most notably "My Eyes are Full". Great damn song.

    I've heard a few Dresden Dolls songs, but I can't remember what the titles are right now. I think one of them was "Missed Me". My friend said, when he heard them, "I enjoy them, I respect them, but I don't understand them.

    Holy crap, Dealership. A few years ago I came across "Toujours ta Fille" and loved it. Sounded like Stereolab on happy drugs. But that Sex Pistols cover? Brilliant. I'm enjoying poking around their site. One of their albums will be joining my shelf soon.

    I'll have to check out aqueduct and Fred Eaglemsith. Who I am supposing is not related to Sam the Eagle from the Muppets.

  7. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Yay Steve. Oh glee. I'm not completely in love with the album, but thought it was very enjoyable. I tried to pass it on to the coffee shop guy in the building I work at, but it did not meet with his approval. Mr. Retro Hipster just couldnt get over it being "The Blues Clues" guy. He probably didn't enjoy the show either. Lame.

    No DD eh? Okay then, how about The Ditty Bops? They've made the small venue rounds lately so you may already know of them. "Walk or Ride" might be worth a listen to.

  8. Anonymous4:26 PM

    I'm not ruling out Dresden Dolls. I'm just saying that my limited exposure has been interesting. I'm going to give them a true look over.
