Monday, February 06, 2006

Mmmmm Smoky

So, it may sound weird, but does anyone know anything about the Smoky Mountain region? A trip to the region may be coming up and, while it's not exactly the French Riviera, it's purty. I have a thing for views like this. To quote Joe Banks, who is not a real person, "Away from the things of man".

So, while I've established that it was pretty, one of the things I think has sold me on visiting some time is this minor fact:

There is a road, albeit short, through a National Park that is closed to motorized vehicles from sunrise to 10 a.m. two days a week. What does this mean? Well, that I could ride my bike through a National Park, dummy! My little bike would be welcome at any other time, but I'd have to share it with minivans. Which would be fine, but morning in a national park? Come on.

Not convinced it's a good idea? Look at this. That's begging for a ride. Plus, there are apparently two sections that have some good climbs. And I'd love to ride on some real hills. I'm practicing. My legs are fine. I just have to learn how to breathe properly on a climb. Have to train those better . . .

Anyway, it's only 11 miles and I'd like to do more riding in the area. Anyone know anything about it? I've found some vague references to some other areas that are good for riding, specifically for small, lesser-traveled roads. But, the directions for those were a little complicated and since I don't know the area (and might be on a new bike) I don't want to mess too much with directions or unfamiliar roads (I'm a terrible wimp when it comes to cars).

No matter what, if we ever visit in the future, I'm riding through the park at 7 a.m. How could I not? I'd ride a tricycle through there.

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