Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Smile When You're Down and Out

Gert's back down again. Her fever is back and she's producing snot and phlegm by the bucket load. I knew something was up when she said she didn't have fun at dance class last night.

"I just felt slump, slump, slump," she said, as she demonstrated her slump. At 2 a.m. she woke up as Fire Baby again, generating enough heat to actually melt her lamp.

Now she's asleep in our bed, refusing to eat, take medicine or do anything but sleep. I'm reluctant to go too far because her cough is so loose she gags. So, the kitchen is ruled out, one bathroom is off limits and if anyone comes to the door I'll be calling them through the window.

She's just so pathetic laying there. It's heart breaking.

That is, unless she's hallucinating or otherwise acting strange. For example, last night I went to tuck her back in bed.

"I can't get my fluffy blanket on me," She said.

"Okay, I'll float it down on you."

"Good, because I'm trying to sleep here!"

Later, when she was feeling so bad that she needed to sleep with us, she ripped off all her clothes because she was too hot, crawled under the covers and said:

"Mom, why do dogs leave messages to each other when they pee?"

No more Discovery Channel for her.


  1. Wow...poor girl! I'm sure she's miserable. have you tried giving her sherbert (or whatever it's called when there's no milk in it)? It won't make her better, but it will feel nice and cool and is tasty and at least has some calories for her.

    And she'll think you're great.

    Why DO dogs leave message to each other when the pee? Why don't they just send a letter?

  2. Anonymous9:56 AM

    She wasn't awake long enough to try! Mmmm. Sherbet.

    I'm half tempted to have Gert watch "Never Cry Wolf". There's a very interesting scene involving a human, canids and peeing.
