Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Spoke of the Wheel Whirled

So, yeah. Broke another spoke. I think there's something wrong with the wheel itself. After breaking that many I've decided it's time to just ditch the wheels that came with the bike and choose new ones.

Great idea, right?

Well, not exactly. Do you have any idea how many wheel options there are?

See, I can pick up a set of wheels that were pre-built. They're cheaper, but they may not be stronger or better. So you look at buying rims, a hub and more spoke options than I thought possible. Even if I choose the rim, I have to then choose the hub. I have three hub options with one company alone, and if I investigate the Campy options, well . . . that's a whole new can o' worms.

I think my wife may be getting irritated with me though. I keep showing her pictures, asking her if I think the spoke count is good.

But, here's what I've learned. No matter what you are talking about, no matter how good your intentions, never, ever ask your wife her opinion on brass nipples.


  1. Anonymous8:47 AM


    Go with Open Pro wrapped over a Ultegra hub. I've been riding the same pair of Open Pros on a set of Ritchey hubs for over 40,000 miles and they are flat out bomb proof. I race on a lighter set but the Open Pros are about the only thing I'll train on. I have to cross RR tacks at least twice every ride and nary a complaint out of my wheels. I have them trued abobut once every six months and they stay true with no problems. I have a buddy here who was having wheel problems with the Bontagers that came with his Trek and I talked him inot switching. He's done 23 centuries this year and not a single problem. He hasn't even had to have them trued up. You can get 'em pre-built from a lot of places or have your LBS do it with your pre-existing hubs if you'd rather. 32 spokes, 14 gauge and you're set to go. Get the black rims and you're stylin'.

    The Physicist

  2. Anonymous8:06 PM

    I posted a comment about this yesterday, but it didn't actually post weird.

    As fate would have it, the Open Pros shipped on Friday, though I probably won't get to put them on until the next week. Considering all my problems I'm going to have my guy go over them with a fine-tooth comb to make sure absolutely nothing happened in shipping. (He's a true wheel builder.) We were going to rebuild that Alex Rims I'm running, but after looking them over we really broke down the issue with the wheel to bad flanges in the hub and a possible small bump in the rim that makes a true-true virtually impossible without taking the spoke tension in spots into a bad place. So that ruled out just getting a new hub.

    The bad news is the black rear was out of stock when I bought them so I just picked up the silvers. I haven't been cool since I was 16, so why start now?
