Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Feeling Feisty

Ever since the new iPod commercials my wife keeps reminding me that this is how she sees herself when she dreams, dancing and sequins included:

Admittedly, there is something adorable about the way the lovely Ms. Feist dances:

She'd be awesome at a wedding. However, my favorite Feist dancing is here, despite the fact that the director chose horrible closeups that make her look like Roger Waters:

That video proves the allure of a woman in a short skirt with a Gibson. Maybe it's a guy thing.

Warning to any nieces and nephews who may be planning on getting married any time soon. Chris and I are so doing that at your wedding.

Your other choice is this:

Wow. Talk about the White Man's Overbite.


  1. Anonymous11:45 AM

    I think I like the first video from Ms. Feist the best...Tell Chris that I'm the guy wearing the sleavless yellow shirt in my dream...20yrs younger and hair!

  2. Anonymous2:08 PM

    You do realize this means you're getting a sleeveless yellow shirt for Christmas now ...

  3. Anonymous3:42 PM

    I can so see Chris dancing like that! For the wedding dance however, I vote for Thriller!

  4. Anonymous2:45 PM

    I just saw that commercial THIS morning. I wondered who it was and then I came here to do my computer thing. You are a wonder, Gary.
