Friday, September 28, 2007

RE Your Brains

JoCo goodness today. For the unwashed, that's geek musician Jonathan Coulton. All of his songs are released in Creative Commons which lets us, the barely talented, remix, reuse and re-imagine his works. The RIAA would like you to think that this would destroy the system. Seems to be working pretty darn well for Coulton.

Why is he a geek? Well, how many songs do you know about Benoit Mandelbrot? Warning, he drops the f-bomb but in an ultra cool way.

Also, the trend on the Interwebtubes is for college girls to get a webcam and dance. Why? I don't know. I suppose it's alluring to watch someone move in bizarre stilted way in a very limited space. In a way it's like an awkward Twyla Tharpe dance performed by a doped up Britney Spears in a small cell.

How does this apply to Coulton? Well, this is how a geeky girl does the dance. Which I like better. So did NPR and the New York Times Magazine:

And, finally, by allowing his fans to make their own videos for the song, Coulton doesn't have to do it. It's really a brilliant path for a lazy artist to allow his own fans to promote his music. I respect him for that.

Dragoncon took the world's greatest indictment of the office place/zombie song and made a very funny video that highlights zombies' abilities to clap:

And, two live versions. One by JoCo and the other by Willa. You pick the best.

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