Saturday, March 08, 2008


Oh yes, you will be mine. Oh yes.

I'm entering the carbon phase. Just in time for developers to destroy my favorite road and put in an office park.

Friday looks like it will probably be purchase day. Any suggestions on shoes and pedals, please feel free to pass along. I don't want to spend too much money on them. Enough to get a good set of each, but not so much that it's going to make me cry every time I click in.


  1. Anonymous11:01 PM

    Great Scott. Is that a CR1? The element that really grabs me is the crankset, though I'm guessing it's going to take a few extra rinses to keep it shiny while sailing through the saturated bottomlands this spring.

  2. Yeah, but I'll be able to out sprint those vicious birds attacking my helmet.

    I'm actually afraid of getting it all messed up on River Valley Drive once they start building Nelly's Inflatable Sports Palace.

    However, you can ask my wife, I clean my drive train religiously. My cross bike probably has the cleanest chain, cassette and crank set as any cross bike ever. My neighbors wonder why my car is covered in dirt and I'm out polishing my bike.

    Answer: It's an excuse to drink beer. And, also, it's pathological.
