Monday, March 10, 2008

The World According to Gert, Pt. 2

I mean beside the fact that this morning she told me to make sure her Build-a-Bear doesn't get in to mischief today and then informed me, when I asked what she and mom were talking about that I should just "go about my business."

Saturday we were playing animal surgeon, thanks to some awesome set up by Grampy. She had a poor little dog on the operating table and was trying to save him. I was holding the anesthesia hose and monitoring his blood pressure.

"How much am I getting paid for this," I ask.

"One cent."

"What? What are you making?"


"I'm only making 1/10000th of what you're making?"

"I'm the doctor," she says, dripping with superiority.

"Yeah," I say, "but that doesn't seem fair."

"Let's plat Deal or No Deal," she says, leveling a frighteningly serious adult look at me. "One penny or zero. Which do you choose?"

Pray you never work for her when she grows up.

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