Wednesday, September 26, 2001 buying info: Hyperspace : A Scientific Odyssey Through Parallel Universes, Time Warps and the Tenth Dimension

Hm. Apparently the three dimensions we’ve been dealing with are only the tip of the iceberg. According to Michio Kaku, there may be as many as ten dimensions. That leaves seven we aren’t aware of. Seven dimensions in which other dimensional beings are doing things we may not approve of. You just think about that mister!

Kaku wrote a book (link above) with an insanely long title. Key words: Hyperspace, Scientific, Parallel Universes, Time Warps, Dimension. Therefore, he is a qualified scientist and we must consider what he has to say.

I don’t know what he has to say because I haven’t read his book.

However, that does not mean I cannot proselytize about the implications of ten dimensions. Being as I don’t understand the three that I’m supposedly aware of, I’m certainly qualified to discuss seven additional incomprehensible concepts. It’s the American way.

But really, what if there are several planes of existence we don’t understand? Suppose there are other beings, other layers, other ideas floating around out there. We can’t feel them, or see them, but they are there. Passing through us. Present when we type, walk, sleep, go to the bathroom. Eew.

So . . . what does this mean? It means we should consider getting a better cleaning service. Though I can vouch for my personal cleanliness, how do I know the Echinoids from the seventh dimension are showering daily? For all I know, they’ve been mistaking my cereal bowl for their toilet and I can’t see their waste because it’s done on a plane of existence I can’t understand! Eew.

But, more importantly, Mr. Kaku’s book contains an explanation of how to escape the collapse of the Universe. Yes! I knew this thing came with a fire escape! I now plan to devote my life to preparing for the collapse of the Universe. Make sure the batteries in your Universal Collapse Detector are fresh. I’ve survived the collapse of a Dot Com, so a collapsing Universe will be a breeze. And, probably better managed.

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