Wednesday, September 12, 2001

Not going to be much of an entry today, though I've got a big one for tomorrow. I've been watching the events around the attacks unfold and have been stewing over them. I was upset at my place of work as, I feel, they treated the events as a local event. Not a national, or global one. No information was shared. No comment was made, except late yesterday to let us know that only our colleagues were unaffected. And then today, there was some rhetoric.

Not that I can fully blame them. Nor can I say their reaction was wrong, per se. They did what they had to do as a business, and in a way, it's admirable in the face of the global circumstances. They didn't allow terror to infiltrate the way they worked. However, they could have allowed compasion to enter a little more than it did . . .

Anyway, tomorrow I'm going to write about the amazing part the Internet played in this whole thing. Particularly my favorite site, Intercot. And, more importantly, how its webmaster and the community banded together. Virtual or not, a huge group of Internet users were together to share information, comfort one another and try to understand what had happened.

To be part of it was amazing.

Talk to you tomorrow, more or less. Tonight, reflect. And help me find the words to explain to those callous few who don't understand why I should be so affected by these events.

Why? Because I am human. New York, DC, America. Human. Families were torn asunder and lives were ended. That is enough. Enough.

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