Tuesday, October 29, 2002

I guess now I can finally give you the weekend wrap up. I’ll go in order of atomic weight.

1. The (almost) All-O’Brien Trivia Team came out triumphant once again at the MQP Trivia Night. We recovered from last year’s late game bad call and have proven that there are few people in the world that can remember useless crap better than the O’Briens. Someday they’ll have a section where you name a movie based on the opening credits and I’ll win it hands down.

I have to admit that I was disappointed in the amount of science questions. There was one. I was ready this year. I was ready!

2. I helped my brother install DSL at my sister’s house. At one point my sister lovingly puts her hand on my shoulder, looks at me seriously as if she’s about to tell my that I have a tumor and says, “Gary . . . don’t grow a goatee.”

I have to admit that I am trying to grow a goatee. It is something I do every couple of months to ensure that I actually have facial hair. I’ve been particularly heartened lately by my attempts because I’m starting to get what looks like real hair! And it’s almost filled in! And yes! I’m almost 30! Woo hoo!

But, of course, she’s right. I shouldn’t grow a goatee. It doesn’t look right on me. I should grow a soul patch.

3. My brother understood. He replied to my sister, “He’s not growing a goatee! He’s an O’Brien male. He’s just seeing if he can grow a goatee.”

Yes, in O’Brien land it is a rite of passage to see if you can grow facial hair.

4. I’ve been giving the baby cookies lately, much to Mom’s chagrin. Granted, they’re really animal crackers, but Mom’s saying I should slow down. But, I can’t help it. She’s so cute! “Want a cookie,” you ask and she runs to the pantry and waits patiently. Well, this morning it backfired. She had eaten her breakfast and was playing quietly on the floor. Mom was doing her hair and I was eating. I heard a rustling in the kitchen, but didn’t think anything of it. Then out comes toddling the baby with an animal cracker in her hand and a smile on her face. I guess I didn’t close the door tightly. What amazes me is that she knew which bag contained the animal crackers. I’m just glad she didn’t get the cat food.

5. Whose idea was it to put marshmallows in cereal? It seems like a really odd idea.

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