Tuesday, October 15, 2002

I’ve got some of the site up. The blog’s not working over there yet, so don’t click on that link. However, some of the other sections are sort of working. They probably won’t look like that and the content isn’t finalized. But still . . .

Lately I’ve been trying to work out how I deal with situations in a more logical manner. I think this new outlook on life is coming from reading the works of Richard Feynman, a Nobel winning physicist who was a colorful character who made the most out of life. Through his writing about science and his life I’m learning that I need to look at life with less seriousness than I have in the past.

Usually when I get upset or angry, I do it in a big way. I let my entire life pile up on me until I snap and buckle beneath its weight. After that, life is hell for everyone around me while I beat myself up and act like a wounded bear in search of a picnic basket.

But now I just apply logic to the situation. I don’t deny my right to feel the emotions, mind you. I choose to look at the situation and discover what I’m really upset about. Then I find the appropriate response.

Matilda is taking this journey with me. And it’s working for her as well. Her latest tooth loss is a good example.

She’s no longer fooled by the Tooth Fairy and knows where the money comes from. She would, however, rather be tortured by marmosets than admit the truth to any other child. Last Friday night, she had a fresh tooth ready for TF. Last year her Grandmother gave her a special pillow with a pocket designed specifically for the Tooth Fairy. This time, however, the pillow was buried in a box of stuff from her room we’ve been meaning to sort.

She was greatly upset. So we sat down and discussed it.

“What are you upset about?”

”I can’t find my Tooth Fairy pillow.”

“Where did you last see it?”

”It’s in the box in my room.”

”So we know exactly where it is?”


“So, really, you’re upset because you know exactly where your pillow is but we can’t get to it right now.”

“Yeah, I guess so.”

”Well, we have two choices. We can wait until tomorrow when we can get the pillow or we can put the tooth in an envelope under your pillow.”

”I’ll wait until tomorrow.”

And she was happy. So was I.

We get upset so easily about the wrong things. But, when you look at life logically, you realize that quite often you’re really upset about nothing in particular. Because the truth of the situation is generally trivial.

And it’s working for me. Whenever I feel stressed out I can figure out that life is exactly what I’ve been expecting, I’m just throwing in wrenches for myself. All in all I think I’ve been happier and more productive these days. I’m busier than ever before but I can sleep at night because everything I’m worried about has been diffused by reality.

And it’s good. Everything is good. You should try it yourself. It really works.

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