Thursday, August 07, 2003

Stuff, Things and Randomness

Last night it was just me and the kidlings. We partied till dawn and got high on cookies and ice cream. It was fantastic.

Mommy was out at some work dinner, for which I provided some music. We felt as though we were presenting our children to her coworkers, since the music we listen to is so integral to our daily lives. That it makes us cooler than everyone else is beside the point.

Most of the people there were in marketing, so I included a bunch of songs that have made it into commercials. From Stereolab to The Shins to Arling and Cameron to the jubilant Polyphonic Spree. My guess is that the music was barely noticed because of all the alcohol available.

I’ve been to this type of gathering and they are often fun, if not frustrating. Inevitably you get stuck in a conversation with someone whose entire intellect was built upon one philosophy class they took in college. They bore the crap out of you by misquoting the theory of Monads by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. Then the ditz sitting next to you will say, “Annie Leibowitz? Oh I LOVE her.” Commence with the drinking!

But I wasn’t there, so that’s all my wife’s problem.

Instead, I made a nice healthy dinner for the kids. Gertrude helped. She poured in the water for the rice, crushed the garlic and caramelized the onions. Every time I was preparing to add a new ingredient she would put on a New Yawk accent and yell, “Another notch!”

Well, not really. But she was really involved in the making of the meal, while her big sister practiced vegetating in front of the tube.

After I finished the dishes, I told Gert I’d take her downstairs to play. She agreed, but wanted to look at “The Woggles” on the computer. As we were going downstairs, she walked on her own.

“You’re very brave,” I told her.

“I not brave,” she replied. “I me!” And she jabbed her little index finger into her chest.

Only a year and a half and already she understand pronouns to the point of being able to use a subject and an object. Clearly a genius. Brilliant I tell you.

We played on the Woggles (her word for Wiggles) website for a while and were dismayed to see that when we see them live on Friday, Anthony Wiggle will not be in attendance. That wuss had surgery for an inguinal hernia and claims that he won’t be able to perform. Pussy.

I took the girls for a walk. Matilda walked ahead of us, sullen and withdrawn. I think she’s practicing for her teen years. Gertrude and I chased a bunny. Or, more accurately, Gertrude screamed “Bunny! Bunny!” and ran after the poor thing while I tackled her and lectured her on leaving wildlife alone.

Matilda came back and watched TV until reading time while Gert and I played outside.

Overall it was a great evening. I had great quality time with both girls and they seemed to enjoy themselves.

Matilda hasn’t had the time to work through Harry Potter this summer as we did last summer. We’re still laboring through book five. One chapter a night in a book larger than the bible takes a while. But we’re starting to get into the good stuff.

Mom eventually came home smelling like wine. She won two awards for best brochure. Good for her.

The last award I won was for having a clean desk in third grade.

Perhaps I need to find something worthwhile to do in my spare time.

Oh. I don’t have spare time. Screw it then.

Wow. This was a really boring entry. I hope you didn’t read this far. Snore.


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