Friday, December 31, 2004

Kids Believe the Darndest Things

Actual conversation my wife and I had with Matilda.

Me: You know, tradition dictates that on the first New Year's Eve a dog spends with a family you have to shave him.

Wife: Yeah, we'll get out the shaving cream at midnight. They say that as his hair starts to grow back you will be able to see the future in his hair patches.

Matilda: Really?

I don't know what disturbs me more. The remote chance that she believed us or that she was actually excited about the concept of having a clean-shaven dog.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:45 PM

    OK, wait a minute. We teach our children to trust us so when we tell them something of course they're going to believe us. Like the time your nephew Tony found an egg in his bed and we told him he had laid it from having chicken pox. He still isn't sure how to answer the question 'how do you want your eggs?'
