Monday, December 20, 2004

Must . . . Have . . . This

Once again, Stereogum has ruined my life. How? By introducing me to a CD that is currently shipping from Amazon in FOUR TO SIX WEEKS. That bastard. Does he not understand the intense need he has created for a disc that seems to be hard to get?

What is it you ask? Why it's a French band doing Bossa covers of New Wave and Punk classics. My life will not be complete until this disc is in my hands.

How cool is it? Check out the covers of The Clash, Joy Division and The Cure.

Oh Nouvelle Vagues how I pine for thee.


  1. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Okay, now you've peaked my interest. You simply must tell me how you like this when you get it.

    -Drama Queen

    Currently listening to their rendition of "Love Will Tear Us Apart" and am oddly entranced.

  2. Will do. If I can handle the shipping time. I may start feening after a week.
