Tuesday, November 01, 2005

We Made Cookies

originally uploaded by scifitwin.

We had a kit that we didn't use for Halloween. So, since tonight was Daddy Night, it was also Cookie Night.

Gert cut out the cookies from the dough and we rolled the leftovers into sprinkle balls. Then, when the cut outs were done, she decorated them with icing. Don't tell Mom, but we may have eaten some straight icing.

And the cookies were good. Most don't even look like they were made without an adult's intervention. (I did the oven parts, but she did all the cutting and prep work with little to no advice from dad.)

Now I have to go peel her off of the ceiling.

Twas a good night. Too bad Mom and Sis were at knitting. They missed two dozen cookies.

Burp. Extra long bike ride tomorrow . . .


  1. Looks like you had fun!

  2. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Oh we did! Maybe too much fun . . . I ate too much of the fruits of our labor.
