Monday, May 10, 2004


Blogger relaunched itself today with new features and an entire new UI. Well, it didn't relaunch itself. Odds are the web monkeys took care of it. Very interesting. I like the new features. Like the integrated comments. Look up and you'll see them. Groovy. Go ahead and comment all you like. We'll make more. Or less. I don't know.

But the new design of their UI? Well . . . it's . . . bubbly. It's all round and soft and happy. I prefer the old, harsher, utilitarian design that would have made Ayn Rand proud. This one is perky. Merry even.

I am not a merry man.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Monkey, monkey, monkey, monkey, monkey and, of course, monkey.

  3. Anonymous9:52 AM

    I don't like change. Change bad. Boo.

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  6. Anonymous8:56 AM

    oh? I actually despise the new comments. blah.... clunky.


    dr. dave (

  7. You are right Dr. Dave. It's clunky, puts it on its own page, poorly formatted and ugly. And just like all the other comments systems I've used over the years, I'll end up hating them, turning them off and returning to the stupid Quick Topic boards I've been using.

    But for the time being, I'll probably use them because I'm tired of setting up the links for every post.
