Monday, March 21, 2005

He Ain't Heavy, He's My Father

Matilda was home sick today, so I had to do some after dinner Kinkoing to have a Fed Ex package ready for pick up in the morning. So, I asked Gertrude if she wanted to go with me.

She seemed excited and asked what we would do there. I explained that they had copiers that were much like giant printers and that I needed to copy page proofs for someone who was writing a test bank for my work.

"Work? Ugh. Do I have to wear a tie," she asked, her head dropping and her voice getting sad. "Cause I hate wearin' ties."

Methinks that my genetics are wearing off on her. When I assured her that we didn't have to wear ties, she agreed to go.

As if that weren't enough, as I was tucking her in she promised me that she wouldn't get out of bed tonight (a nightly issue).

"Except if my bladder gets full. Then I'll get up and go potty."

This kid has all the tell-tale signs of work avoidance. Get her an addiction to coffee and a distrust of authority and she's ready for years of blatant disregard of corporate dress-code with secret Maximum R&B shirts under her sweaters.

Just like her old man.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:06 AM

    She needs a 'we can't be fired, slaves have to be sold' button...
