Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Question of the Day

If String Theory proves to be an intellectual dead end, will Michio Kaku still be a media whore?

And hey, where are all the cool theoretical physicists these days? There are not enough colorful scientists running aroud being brilliant and engaging. Oh sure, there are physicists out there doing fascinating important work, but there's no Einstein or Feynman who are also engaging the public with their antics. No offense to Steven Weinberg, but he isn't that interesting. Where are the electrifying eggheads, damn it? The ones that give you a snippet of information that is just a drop in the bucket of the knowledge in their heads that makes you want more?

Not like Kaku, who does things like go on Tech TV once a week to talk about the Science of the Matrix. Snore.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:36 AM

    You made my brain go ouchie.
