Thursday, March 24, 2005

Out in the Streets

Gertrude, not one to rest on her laurels and allow the last three funny things she's said be her crowning achievement started the following conversation at tuck in last night. (I know it sounds like I'm making this up, but it's 100% true. I can't make up the stuff she can come up with.):

Gert: "Daddy, can you sleep in my room tonight?"

Dad: "No sweetie. I have to work tomorrow."

Gert: "Why do you have to work?"

Dad: "So we can have money."

Gert: "For what?"

Dad: "Well, our food and clothes and house."

Gert: "But why can't we live with no money?"

Dad: "What? Um, well, because it's a capitalistic society that's rooted in the exchange of denominations for goods and services. So if we didn't have money, we wouldn't be able to pay for the things we need to live."

Gert: "Oh. And then we'd end up on the streets?"

Dad: "What? No. We'd probably live with family until we got back on our feet. Just go to sleep. It's late."

I don't know if this conversation had anything to do with her puking in bed three hours later. However, I've been working my ass off all day, out of fear that my three-year-old daughter is telling people we're going to end up on the streets. Where the hell does she get this stuff?

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