Monday, June 20, 2005

Daddy's Day?

Couldn't have been better. I woke up just after seven and was told that I was supposed to be sleeping in. Since that was impossible, I sat on the couch drinking coffee with a groggy toddler. When Matilda roused herself from her sleeping death and saw me on the couch I was again yelled at.

In the kitchen mom and Matilda clinked, clacked and rustled. When they were ready I was presented with a breakfast that my mother used to make when I was a kid (Sugar biscuits, if you're curious). The rest of the day I just bummed around.

They did get me a present. My deceitful little wife has been hiding cash and, well, this says it all:

Please note the little white earbuds do not fit her ears. I love the look on her face.

So I spent the day playing with it. And today. And probably tomorrow. I'm giddy. I can't wait to leave the house with work go to a coffee shop and jam to Perez Prado followed by Gang of Four. Now that's life.


  1. Anonymous10:05 PM

    the iPod is the greatest invention ever.


  2. oh! congratulations! it's about time. does mrs. gary have one yet? are you going to share? is that even possible?
