Thursday, June 23, 2005

You Say It's Your Birthday . . .

Happy 10th birthday to Matilda! She's upstairs tottering between childhood and teenager hood by playing dolls, but in an aloof and hip way.

Wow. Ten Years. Granted, she was two when I met her. But, holy crap. What happened to the kid who used to kick my ass at Barnyard Bingo tournaments?


Happy birthday kid.


  1. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Dear God. I remember when she was barely walking--sort of teetering around that coffee house as the rest of us bitched about our jobs.

    Happy Birthday, Matilda. You're the coolest ten year old I know.

  2. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Hooray and happy birthday! Our Esther is turning a year old in September. I am not ready.

  3. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Wait a second. If she was two when you met her, I'm sure she was doing more than teetering around that coffee house. Perhaps *I* was the one who was teetering. Yes. that must be it...

  4. Anonymous3:58 PM

    As I recall, someone gave her espresso beans, so she was probably vibrating at least.

    Mike, I still dread each milestone. I feel pride and happiness, but also sadness that another day is gone and pretty soon I'll have to sell them on the open market to the highest bidder.
