Wednesday, August 28, 2002

Today is Wondermints day in the O’Brien household. I’ve ripped all the CDs onto my hard drive, put them on shuffle and am enjoying the wonder that are the wonderful Wondermints. If I could only share with you the visceral enjoyment that is “Arnoldo Said.” Alas, you’ll just have to go out and buy “Bali.”

Before I get into my usual self-important drudgery, I feel I have to say something. Yesterday, John did something insanely nice for me. Because of John’s intervention, I will now be able to watch the Sopranos fourth season real time, rather than via DVD a year later. However, I have to get caught up first (hurry up mail!!!!).

John’s act of generosity is rather interesting, when you think about it. Truth is, we’ve never met. I’ve never seen John face to face. Yet, over the last three years, we’ve done a lot of work together thanks to the magic of the Internet. He helps me with my computer, we come up with amazing ideas (some of which we’ll actually do someday) and work on his website. Despite the fact that my experience with him has been on the phone or via email, I feel that I’ve grown rather close to him. The fact that we live 1200 miles away from each other is irritating. For example, when he was building his new server I bet I would have been handing him tools like Igor if we lived a few blocks away rather than a few states away.

I hope to see him face to face early next year as we launch our latest and greatest project for world consumption.

Anyway, thanks John. For your kindness, support, the knowledge you’ve imparted upon me and, of course, your friendship.


So, what have I learned since yesterday’s blathering about music? Not a hell of a lot, to be honest. I’ve gotten some really great recommendations ranging from indie lo fi to instrumental gospel. Each act was accompanied by some wonderful superlatives about the particular attributes that make them special. I look forward to checking them out and following the threads that are connected to them.

It’s a horrible moment when an explorer discovers a dead end. And yesterday I felt that way. I’ve gone so far as to turn down an Elvis Costello concert. My love for Elvis has not diminished a bit. However, there were extenuating circumstances that I couldn’t bear.

First, I couldn’t get the seats I wanted. And to be honest, I’ve come to far in life to stand on the floor smelling other people while I’m trying to listen to the music. Secondly, I recently missed a concert I desperately wanted to see because of extenuating circumstances (That would have been Stew, for those keeping score).

I’m not upset about Elvis because, well, I’ve seen him. He and I have had a long relationship. So, I think he’ll understand if I don’t show up. Actually, Elvis was the second act on a whirlwind few years where I got to see every member of my “Must see before I die” list. (Roger Waters, Elvis Costello, David Byrne, Brian Wilson). Between August 1999 and October 2001, I saw all four. I also threw in Bruce Springsteen for good measure (and many others, but those were the important ones).

Plus, after too many concerts to count, I feel like I may be done with the big-ticket guys for a while. Of course, I’d see Brian Wilson again without question.

Now I want to focus on seeing people like Stew live. I missed The Apples in Stereo last year. And Guided By Voices (not one of my favorite bands, but watching Robert Pollard self-destruct on stage has a certain car-wreck appeal). And a few others like The Flaming Lips.

I hear Stew will return. I won’t miss it this time. I also hope The Wondermints (guys, you need a homepage! Talk to Patrick.) wander through my little town. And Splitsville, Sparkle*Jets UK, The Orange Peels, Hutch, Apples in Stereo, Steve Ward and more. And hey, a certain guy named Steve is supposed to be coming out with an album. Hurry Steve! I like what I've heard. I like songs about Science and Love!

One can hope, can’t he?

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