Friday, August 30, 2002

Today marks the one-year anniversary of “Confessions of a Geek.” One year of writing this . . . um . . . stuff.

We’ve been through at least seven designs, a few aborted attempts at new formats, and several weird-linking situations. In that year I’ve some how managed to top 7000 visits to this crappy little site and, I have to ask, why?

I mean, sure, sometimes I say some funny things. I make an ass of myself, that’s my forte. But, really, what has this site offered to the world?

Well, we’ve discussed the concept of Wang Chung, body pillows, irrational fears, hot dog conspiracies, robo-rats, purple fuzz monkeys, toothbrush technology, breastfeeding and much more. Too much more.

How far we have come from my first entry that stated:

“This is my first blog. More later. Ack. Ack.”

Right. Um, yeah. What was I thinking?

Since I’ve blogged my family has grown by one (young Gertrude) and Matilda has burned through first grade and started second. I’ve left one horrible, terrible, no good job and started off on my own. Plus, I’ve read three and one half Harry Potter books.

Most importantly, however, is that I’ve been writing pretty much every day. Every single day. That’s good. I haven’t done that since college. Now that I do this I have ideas and things to write about, even if they have nothing to do with this site. I’ve got book ideas, film ideas, and proposals for NASA on why I should command the next shuttle mission. Not bad for someone who previously hadn’t completed any writing since 1995.

But, now I’m back. And for this I blame GeekFriend, for showing me Blogger and James Lileks himself for inspiring me to be the idiot I am.

And I have you to thank, dear reader. For some reason you come back every day. Even when I’m not being particularly witty and insightful. And sometimes you email to give me some encouragement or thanks. And that means a lot.

So, have a good long weekend (those of you in the US). If you’re one of my pregnant readers, tell your husband to treat you right this weekend. Put your feet up and let him get you whatever you want.

And if you’re one of my breastfeeding mom readers, give your little tyke a hug for me and tell them they have a good mom.

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