Monday, October 04, 2004

Goodbye Hot Dog


I suppose it was appropriate today, given SpaceShip One's accomplishment. Still, I have a special kind of hero worship for the old guys.


  1. Gary,

    Something totally off topic here...

    When you get a few moments away from the glory that is Smile might I point your fine musical taste int eh direction of Mark Knopfler's latest offering, Shangri-La. Very tasty indeed. Especially if you like that sort of blues/folksy feel to your music. Great understated guitar work too.

    We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming...

    The Physicist

  2. I'll have to check it out. I was one of the six people who bought Knopfler's Notting Hillbillies project. I've always loved his guitar playing. I personally believe his Princess Bride soundtrack should be on everyone's shelf. I also hear he's on Fogerty's new album, though I haven't heard it.
