Saturday, October 16, 2004

Jon Stewart Kicks Big Media's Ass

And calls Tucker Carlson a dick, too. (UPDATE: CNN keeps editing the transpcripts, thereby proving the concept of "news" is subject for revision. Ergo, get thee to a Bit Torrent client and download the video. If you don't like Bit Torrent, try a QuickTime here or a variety of formats on the ultra-slow iFilm or WMV here.) But, more importantly, he exposes our media culture as theater, not news. And he says it right to their faces.

Everyone talks about the liberal bias in the media. Say what you will, but that argument ignores the true bias in the media.

Stupidity. Our media is a bunch of stupid, salacious, narcissists who talk more as an exercise in mental masturbation than to actually say something of substance. They're all on the lookout for the next Watergate, Filegate, Marthagate, Weddinggate or Hummergate that instead of focusing and reporting on what's going on, they focus on what might go on, who might be doing it, and whether or not they were wearing pants.

News rarely exists in our media anymore. Punditry does. Partisan bitch-slapping and party whine-fests are what pass as news and commentary. Stewart's right. I'd love to hear an actual debate on television.

But really, do we need to see another pasty, bloated talking head to tell us what their party's guy was saying when he said what he said? If we need a translation of what politicians are saying, if we need it watered down and regurgitated for us, then some people are failing to do their job.

1. The media, for not telling us facts instead of what it all might mean and,

2. Politicians, for loading the world with such a load of bullshit that we'd rather watch Paris Hilton milk a cow.

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