Wednesday, October 13, 2004

It's Her Prerogative

"I probably will, Britney Federline, I like that," Spears, 22, told Germany's Bunte magazine on Wednesday. "Society probably won't allow me but I would like to change it."

Um, Brit? That's your publicist that doesn't want you to change your name to match that of the ironic trucker hat wearing mongoloid that you married.

You see, Mrs. Federline, Society is what ended Jim Crow laws. Society is what helped women get the vote. Society is what cause prohibition to be repealed.

Society's wish for you, Mrs. Federline, is to watch you become a bloated, acne-riddled, has-been, trashy whore. And, if you find it encouraging, you're so close to our goal for you! Keep on trying!

Call yourself whatever you want, Mrs. Federline. We'll keep watching the tornado sweep through the trailer park of your life.

Why is your downfall so interesting to Society? Well, Brit . . . There's one thing we like more than a Cinderella story. And that's a comic tragedy. It's our prerogative.


  1. Anonymous10:44 AM

    I love the fact that you closed by using a twist on the phrase that she is remaking as one of her own on the radio right now...

  2. ...and this marriage could be called, "Ooops, I did it again."
