Tuesday, May 28, 2002

My very first installment of The Halves and Half Knots has been added. Read at your own risk.

This weekend was pretty odd. Saturday we spent the day trying on bikes for the wife. Baby Gertrude and school-aged Matilda in tow, Geekfriend as the advisor. We looked, we prodded, we gasped at prices and, after about four hours of shopping, chose one. Then it took us two days to return to said store to actually purchase the bike.

Now the whole family needs helmets, a bike rack and some way to tote the baby on our family rides. Looks like we’re getting a baby trailer. I have officially become a granola Yuppie.

Saturday night I saw Attack of the Clones. And, I admit, I liked it. For what it was. Sure, the dialogue was terrible, the direction awful and the images cluttered. But the portions I liked, I really liked. It was better than The Phantom Menace. But certainly it was no Empire Strikes Back. This whole series is missing a Han Solo.

Lucas has hired some of the best actors of our generation and what does he do with them? Turns them into puppets in front of his purty digital pictures.

Sunday was a family bar-b-que. As usual I was ridiculed for not eating beef. Whatever. When I attend the mass angioplasty to remove all the plaque from arteries, I can laugh. Good burger? Huh? Make fun of my soy, will you?

I befriended my little niece this time. Don’t know how, but there’s no better way of feeling loved than gaining the trust of a one-year-old. We played with the baby and ran around the house. It was fun. She’s a cutie.

Oh, and one of my teen-aged nieces friends described me as being like “Chandler from Friends.” I assume that is a compliment. I have taken it as such. As far as I know, unlike Matthew Perry, I’m not addicted to prescription medication. So, I assume they were referring to my wit.

Other than that, the weekend was pretty much non-eventful. Nothing died, nothing exploded and no one called me a dickhead. So, in the end, I suppose it ended up happy.

And my veggie burgers were quite good. And kind to my stomach, which is in the throes of bad medication for GERD. So, NAH!

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