Thursday, April 25, 2002


10. I love space, astronomy and physics. I don’t necessarily understand it all. But, does that really have to be a prerequisite?

9. I’ve always wanted to be an astronaut.

8. I look up in the sky almost nightly and wonder to myself, “What’s out there?

7. I’ve always had a deep interest in medical experiments. Specifically when I’m the subject.

6. I’ve always loved Tang. I’d propose we bring the space program back to its roots.

5. I could finally play, “If I throw this at the moon, will it ever make it there?”

4. I’ve seen 2001: A Space Odyssey many, many times. The HAL 9000 jokes alone would make my trip worth it for the other astronauts.

3. I’d bring lots of CDs. We could rock to Elvis Costello while we added new modules to the ISS.

2. I could finally answer the question that has been bothering people ever since John Glenn first orbited the Earth. “Can you put yourself into high orbit by opening beer cans in space?”

1. If NASA is willing to spend the money to send Chuckles the Monkey to space, why can’t I go? Is there something wrong with me? What does the monkey have that I don’t?

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